Du betrachtest gerade The story behind the Irish holiday: St. Patrick’s Day
Teilnehmer EBEx; Foto: Andreas Wetzel

The story behind the Irish holiday: St. Patrick’s Day

On Friday, March 15, 2024, another successful English Business Exchange took place, this time with a special touch to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

The attendees were welcomed by Aileen Hiecke, BVMW FrankfurtRheinMain, Hanna Roy, HMR Business English, and our host, Bunnija So, from the Adina Apartment Hotel Frankfurt Neue Oper.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the presentation by Aaron Reen, the Deputy Consul General of Ireland. With his informative presentation, he provided attendees with fascinating insights into the work of the Irish embassy and the duties of a (Deputy) Consul General. Furthermore, he explained the background and significance of the Irish holiday “St. Patrick’s Day”. A big thank you goes to Aaron for his presentation, valuable information and his open, warm manner!

Following the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and expand their business network. It showed that not only business people but also individuals with personal connections to Ireland were present, making the evening even more diverse and inspiring.

In the foyer, tea, coffee, fresh fruits and delicious sandwiches awaited the guests. The highlights of the culinary experience were undoubtedly the refreshing cocktail by Mrs. Walsh – The Bottled Cocktails Company, served by Dr. Hans-Christian Krumholz, and the tasting of the exquisite Limoncello “Skandal No 1” by Daniel Schrod. These culinary delights perfectly rounded off the evening—many thanks!

Not only business matters were in focus this evening. Maike Benner and Lilli Rohde cheered the group up with a surprise as she opened a goody bag filled with decorations and fun costumes, resulting in many smiling faces and proving that networking can also be combined with a dash of humor.

Visual insights are available again. Andreas Wetzel, AEON Medienproduktion, brought his camera. Thank you, dear Andreas, for accompanying many of our events!

Gärtner Cornelia

Netzwerkprofi mit großer Freude an wertschätzender Kommunikation, Erfolg und daran, Menschen in Kooperation zu bringen. (Dipl. Soziologin & Informatik-Betriebswirtin (VWA) & City-Managerin & Industriekauffrau & Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagerin & Inhaberin der ConnyUnity & Repräsentantin Der Mittelstand